So, I goofed. I missed yesterday’s meditation altogether. So, today I figured I’d find a longer one to make up for it. 
I have gotten some wonderful feedback both here and on Facebook regarding this inner journey. It makes me happy to know I am connecting with others in some way. I’d love to hear from you if you have thoughts about these meditation videos. Are you giving it a try? Is it difficult for you? I think a common concern is the constant barrage of thoughts that come to mind when we are trying to clear our minds. Is that happening to you, too?
One of my hurdles is that I am not a regimented person in the least bit. I really go with the flow…and it tends to send me adrift very frequently. This has its advantages. I am flexible and adaptable. But, sticking with a routine would help me to accomplish more and focus my energy so that I can choose my direction.
Yesterday was a reminder of where I’m coming from. Today, I’m recognizing it. Tomorrow, I plan to choose my direction very deliberately. .
Do you tend to be like me? Or, are you the opposite? Either way, I think the meditations can help us to find common ground. Don’t you?
OK, here’s the meditation for today. Let’s see how it goes.
Click here for meditation video du jour.