Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 14 ~ Heart

We love to try new foods around here….and we love it SPICY!

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On the evening I took this photo, it was my first attempt at making Pho at home.The local Vietnamese restaurant serves this yummy noodle soup, garnished with all this good stuff. My home-cooked version turned out to be pretty good, but I’d much rather let someone else make it! Winking smile


  1. This is so pretty. Looks like an ad for a restaurant.

    I remember when you made this dish.

    Gerushia's New World

  2. Wow, Shell, I've been missing your new series...it's wonderful! So many great photos to look at!

    Love the wasp nest story, the great color of your entryway and your self-portraits, especially you as an M&M with hiking boots on...lol!

  3. Thank you, both, for all the nice comments. They make me happy! :)

  4. Love the hot sauce heart! Pho is definitely labor intensive--I'm glad we have a Vietnamese restaurant nearby.
